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제 4 호 VLOG in the Workplace, Agree or Disagree?

  • 작성일 2019-12-06
  • 좋아요 Like 2
  • 조회수 18771


VLOG in the Workplace, Agree or Disagree

by Ju-eun Yeon, Editor


     A brand café posted a notice about Vlog’s video deletion which recipes were leaked out. Furthermore, some videos that contains new recruit’s first-commute day has been uploaded on Youtube. Vlog means the video contents that upload daily life. It is made of video + blog. Many Youtube generations want to share their daily life, including work life, using Vlog. However, as they want to upload the Vlog’s video, there are many concerns about the company’s technique leaks or etiquette in the workplace. Regarding this argument, what about your thinking? Do you agree with taking Vlogs in the workplace? 

Taking Vlogs in the workplace: Agree

▲ the Image about Samsung Vlogs

     The people who agree with taking Vlogs in the workplace emphasize individual freedom. Although they who upload Vlogs work in their workplace, nobody objects to their right of taking Vlogs because it is completely a private matter. Another opinion is that Vlogs can be utilized as a marketing way. For example, there is Samsung. Samsung Electronics of Samsung uploaded the Vlogs on Youtube. Through these Vlogs, Samsung can get a friendly company image and let the talented person know about the company’s welfare. An interested party said, “in addition to Samsung, major companies like LG and SK are uploading their Vlogs on Youtube.” They aim for the company promotion to Youtube generations naturally.

Taking Vlogs in the workplace: Disagree

▲ the Image about a Brand
Café’s Notice

     The people who disagree with taking Vlogs in the workplace emphasize the security about company’s technique. As I wrote before, a brand café posted a notice about Vlog’s video deletion because of recipes leak, infringement of trademark and copyright. In addition to the security problem, there are legal problems. First, the rights to a boss’s portrait. They would not want their body parts to appear in the video. Second, a prohibition against working together may be written in the employment contract. Most companies contain a prohibition against working together in the employment contract. Then, the people who upload Vlogs working at their workplace violate the law.

     Youtube generations are constantly looking for their aptitude expressing their passion for the field of interest in a variety of contents. For this reason, it is only fair to hear various people’s voices. Fortunately, this problem can be coordinated sharing various opinions with each other. Therefore, I asked SMU students who belong to the Youtube generation and will go out into the society soon. What are your thoughts on the matter? 




